finobe's the towers aren't feelin' so good anniversary edition.sb2 history lesson specmaratacthonular 2 | part 1

12:15 PM

welp, todays the yearly anniversary of the major event that shook the world and made it into all our history books for future generations who literally need fortnite injected in their bloodstream to live. i'm talkin about the dreaded 9/11, where the 2 planes hit the 2 world centers thanks to people from somewhere else, but i'm not sure where they were originally. todays posts will be dedicated towards everyone who either

3:32 PM

our long post begins with the history of my scratch account, which lies into the old memories category. lets head back to a time where things were at least 5 and a half times simpler than they are now, and thats the year late 2014/early 2015, where a pretty popular site at the time named scratch was still of interest to me at the time. i've only recently found out about it again at the time, cause the last time i used it, i had no idea how to use it in the first place!

when i first created my account, i had this whole thing planned out for my usernames where i'd end them with XT, so my usernames would be as follows:

checking nowadays, my profile has over 200 followers over the past 4 years. however, i'll get into that later. where we're actually at is what i like to call the "embarrassing era of all things" era. this was when i had this like really bad skill with art and coding, and half of the stuff i did were either remixes (projects that were edited from the original to make something new/creative out of it, much like how "fair use" was supposed to work) or projects with little to no effort and/or originality.

moving along, one of the first projects i've ever made was a remix of a popular type of project called "add yourselves", which involve a person remixing the project to add in their own "original" *cough* characters to a scenario, like lets say some of these real examples

me being the person i am, i did a lot of these sort of things. however, they are no match for one of the bigger ones being made at the time. fellows and mallows, i'd like to introduce you to a little series on scratch called the space story. how does this work? well, a user by the name of haras5 originally made the first project a while back when i didn't know most of the people i now talk to on discord after roughly four years.

another few characters i'd like to get out of the way first are some more characters that are probably in need of explaining.

let's split into another header now, this one's getting long

4:26 PM

the music in the project is something i can sum up with only one song. thats right. only one. but, what is this song? well, im pretty sure the most overused song in the entire series is this song to blame. fellow, mallows, and deleteheads, i'd like to introduce you to the song...

night of nights from touhou.

listen to it here:

this song plays every time there's a chase scene, and boy, do they happen often. i'd like to get into detail about how this all goes down but this whole scratch history thing is getting too long, so i'm going to sum up all the space stories in a list.

yep, they're all like that. anyways, the scratch history had it's time for part one, i'll move on to something else. let's get to something current!

4:50 PM

if you still remember the $99 eshop gift card, you know it also came with the 6 month xbox live gold too when i first bought it. i remember playing roblox for xbox one on it. now before you go something like "OMZ RUSTY PLAY ROBLOX HE HAS BIG GAY AAAAAAAA", let me explain.

the only game i really play on roblox is a game called survive the disasters 2, a pretty fun game on roblox. you don't hear anyone say that often, do you?

no, you don't.

anyways, i'm going to redeem my card and finally play survive the disasters 2 after a while, in the meantime, i'll be updating during intermissions and otherwise in-game and on the other hand i'll be telling how many disasters i've survived in a row up till the end of part 1.

5:29 PM

on second thought, maybe i'll stick with just the mobile app instead, i don't want to waste something valuable for one thing and one thing only. problem is that my phone is on low battery, so i'll have to leave it charging. i guess i'll move onto something else... finobe!

6:21 PM

how forgetful am i? well, whatever the case may be, its time for something else. an r/nichijou story told by jeik himself. here's the... thing

in a certain spot, between two gas stations, there was a certain... uhm, girl, a woman, standing and ~~working~~ and I noticed she marked her being available by putting a Mountain Dew bottle on a stick that was right besides her usual standing place and then she takes 30 bucks for the job so if you're interested I'll mark the spot on Google Maps.

from jeik

anyways, im gonna download most of the n++ soundtrack and then do another finobe game, the second one on! that being, y'know, the raw file i use to make all the pages up till now. anyways, lets see what game is in store for me today.

6:38 PM

welp, looks like today's game is going to be alberlatin's personal building, linked here! i'll be planning to make a working soccer game and get a match going. i'll be posting the scores for the game here! also will be posting screenshots.

7:16 PM

after a bit of back-and-forthing i got finobe to not be considered a virus to windows defender again, and i got the n++ soundtrack downloaded and on a playlist for the time being. im ingame with nox and we're gonna make a really good soccer game

7:32 PM

we are awesome people

anyways nox's friend shirt is gonna join in the game too so be sure to like see what happens then

7:34 PM

alright, so right now im watching the bfdi bingewatch again and nox shirt and i are gonna be making that soccer game. nox and shirt had a fight on whether or not finobe was a virus. i'd like to state that the game is a false positive and the viruses are actually core game files to run the engines and the game itself

we'll be posting the final product once it's done, with a few wip screenshots here and there, then the big game

bfdi bingewatch: episode 1a

7:42 PM

so someone hacked the server us 3 were in and started killing us randomly. oh, and the admin was a bastard.

bfdi bingewatch: s1e2b

currently me nox and shirt and going to go on ultimate build instead, linked here. regarding the bfdi bingewatch, i liked how jacknjellify wasn't mentioned by youtube at all despite causing

if you didn't get it that was sarcasm

8:24 PM

we got the court done! no one really seemed to join so we left the game after, shirt just stopped playing it, probably due to his first experience. heres the finished product