March's Top 10 Detonators Stuck in the Dust Jael Storm Before Disaster

11:58 PM

Hey, happy March.

Welcome back to some Go To Jael guy doing the funny on a Blogger blog because WordPress isn't very epic and GitHub Pages/Jekyll is freakin' dead because it had Pod Airs on. Invented by the Macintosh Apple in 9819.

Alright, so happy weekend. I'm betting your school days sucked, cause mine sure as hell did suck. And that's what I'm gonna talk about, how much the school days suck.

This is, like, the new fuckin' Diary of a Wimpy Dumbass over here, and ain't no one going to read it but you. That's also where the brand-new-I-think life tag comes into play. Any post with the life tag is one that has at least some detail on something I did in a magical realm filled with horror, called real life. It's very not cool out there, and deserves to Go To Jael.

Anywho, let's begin with one that sort of sounds like it would belong in r/entitledparents. Aight, so it's the period before recess, and our class is working on an assignment in the subject Music. Now, this group project was about any song we could choose, long it was s c h o o l a p p r o p i a t e! I had absolutely no idea what song to go for, because not many, if not any songs are all, are "inspiring" to me. In my eyes, if music sounds good, it sounds good. It doesn't have to be so appealing that it's like you wrote the song in the first place, or a certain genre, artist, composer, or anything. If it sounds good, then it's good. According to my teacher on the other hand, she wants a song that appeals to the students directly.

How the hell do you expect me to do something out of my scope like that? I tell her, "Hey, there's no song that I know of that appeals to me via lyrics". She replies back with "Well, go find a song then". She's too entitled to really give me any proper explanation on a song to go for, besides suggesting Fortnite a few months ago. Because of this, I had no idea on what song to go for. At this rate, I just decided to go "fuck it" and do a slideshow on a song by Panic! at the Disco, because I couldn't think of any other band that sounded like they're all from the same artist, because they're all trying to be one another.

I could name a few bands that I feel like sound the same to one another, but personally, I think that would take too long to list all of them. Plus, some people might be all like, "but I like this band!". And to that, I say that's totally fine. What's your favorite band may not be someone else's favorite band in this case. Hell, I'm just listening to Last BFDI after downloading a song from that "dead composer" I talked about in my previous post.

Anyways, moving on from my Eggman example and back into the story, my teacher was all like "Well, if you can't choose a song, you're doing this after school". The woman didn't even bother to suggest a song. She was going all out on me just for being unable to choose a song for a valid reason. Because of this, I had to make do and just think of a song as fast as I can regarding the song before I would be forced to stay in that accursed building for an extra hour. I have better things to do with my time, like sleeping. And only sleeping. sleep is good for the strong ok please don't @ me >:(\

Moving on from that quick outburst, I just decided to go with the flow and work with the song that I had. Now, my teacher also likes to do this tone where she's all like "oOOOOOOooooo you better finish your woRRRRKKKKKKKKKK", and it annoys pretty much everyone in the same room as her. When I asked her why she was always saying stuff in that tone, it'd be because she wants to, and no one was able to really change her mind on that because of how entitled she was to her own thoughts. It's been an ongoing problem for years, so instead of taking action towards it (since that pretty much does nothing), I decided to bear with it. I grew somewhat of a tolerance over time because of that.

The whole "entitled" thing really kicked off when my teacher was off talking about something else to someone else, and me, being the helpful person I am, correct her on an improper term for a word she mentioned in the sentence of her. For some reason, that correction was the straw that broke the camel. She did the stand like a stance from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and told me to "go get an iPad and work in the library". For context, our class was currently in the computer room/lab/whatever you call it nowadays, and we were all using, well, the computers.

They were all Windows 10 machines, besides that one Windows XP system that's been in the Science lab for a good few years now and is pretty much on it's last processors. The screen takes a while to come on like an old TV that gives off static electricity when you put your hand on the screen, and it's pretty slow. Anywho, the iPads were pretty much a less... good version of the PC with the given conditions.

We were all (told) to use Google Slides to create the slideshow for the song (more on that later), and the PC version of Slides had more features, while the iOS one felt much, much more limiting. Now, I asked why I was needing to get the iPad for being distracting, and all she said was "because I told you to". This makes me wonder. Does she just not care at all about what others think about her? Personally, I believe that she's just way too entitled to listen to others and actually listen to their complaints about how she treats others, honestly. It just bugs me.

The whole experience was frustrating, to say the least. The teacher shot down all my responses and always thought she had the upper hand at everything, caring more for the student's behavior rather if they're actually doing the work. People can still be angry or sad, and still work on something. Hindering them won't do you or them any good.

Hopefully, something like that doesn't happen to me again.

Anywho, that's all for March's opening post. Next up, klaust_ shtuffs and more experiences. Memes included.

Right, bye.