klaust_dev - What I haven't shown here yet

10:14 PM

Hi, it's me, rust_, per usual. If you've been checking my Twitter or been hanging out with me on Discord (rust_#0051), then you'd know about klaust_ as well as the blog post I posted about, well, klaust_. I wanted to show some stuff that I missed out showing on the last post, and put it on this post. Consider this more of a quick post to end of the weekend, unless I make another today.

First things first are these area drafts. It may seem obvious what they're for, but for now, I won't reveal about their origins, details, or otherwise. Just the images. Here they are.

These are created with PaintDotNet, case you were wondering. Anyways, the current thing we're working on with klaust_ at the moment is a pretty ambitious area at the moment. It's the roof for Riko (short for Rikotsura)'s apartment. Yeah, see, instead of the balcony like a usual Yume Nikki fangame, you're gonna be going to the roof! Real revolutions!

Next 3 images courtesy of Sorvete. He's handling art and also helping me out with RPG Maker 2003's mechanics.

I'm not sure when the roof's actually going to be finished, but it hopefully shouldn't be too daunting to complete. In the meantime, there's still other types of posts on my blog to look forward to. Maybe some new stuff? I haven't thought what to go for yet to bring something new to the table once I run out of the current stuff I have going on my blog.

Anyways, I'll see you next post.