Education Week for the Uneducated | Part 2 - Hill Sledding, But There’s No Sleds (With Hockey Rink DLC)

3:21 PM

Welcome back to my epic lets-play of life, currently going shit! Been a while since the last post, I know. However, now that I finally have some time on my hands, I can begin writing the next part of this already long enough post. While I’m at it, might as well start on the next Education Week day. Note that none of this is in proper order, as it’s all mixed up in my head. Not sure if that’s a problem that I should address at some point, but hopefully that’s just something regular when there’s a lot going on in your head at once.

The day that I’ll be talking about today is the day where for the activity, all of our… 25 students or so (of the entire building!) went outside to the hockey rink to skate! Now, for some people, this’d be fun, because they know how to skate. One problem on my end is that I… can’t skate. Real shame too that I can’t skate. It seems fun to do it, although the blades on the skates remind me of a fear I used to have. See, I’m worried that one day, one of those blades might slice off my finger(s) on accident. Think about it. They’re sharp, thin, and they tend to go at a fast-enough pace when in usage.

It only seems logical that if they were to come in contact with your fingers at that point in time, you’d be in a world of hurt, as some people name it. Anyhow, this sort of skating thing actually happened during Gym a few times last month. See, we were all going outside again for some skating. However, since I didn’t own skates, I was just sitting where you would, like, take off your boots and put on your skates. Yeah, so in this case, now here I am, stuck in that same place, just watching everyone else skate. Not like that was bad or anything. I found it relaxing, just doing whatever. My gloves were actually touchscreen gloves, weirdly enough. Now, because of that, my hands were pretty much feeling like they were frozen after a while, so I just kept them under my sleeve in order to keep them warm. That’s dandy and all, but the weather during that day was bad. I’m not talking just wind bad. We’re talking snow-flying-all-across-the-freaking-place bad, with the wind. I was freezing for pretty much all of class, hoping by all means that it’ll be over soon. Thankfully, the second time this happened, the weather was much better than last time.

I’ve been off topic for the longest time now, so best I get back to what this is actually about. The time our entire school went to the rink/hill near the rink to skate or sled. The thing is, per usual, I still didn’t have my skates, nor did I even own a sled of all things I could have owned. That may seem shitty, but thankfully, for the first time out of the three times I’ve been in this situation during this, there was music of all things playing for once. The weather was also better than the first time, so that’s a plus. With good music and weather, and loads of snow to mess around with for the afternoon, what’s a guy like me to do? Not much, really. I took some big chunks of snow and started trying to make some small sculptures of shapes out of it. I only managed to make a square, large square, and a triangle. Not the most abstract sculpture on the earth, but least it’s better than when we used to do… woodworking… Actually, best I leave that for another time.

Alright, so let’s start with the skating part. Like last time when I did something along the lines of sitting around doing nothing, I started with taking some chunks of snow and messing around with it. This time around, I tried carving it into different sculptures, say like a square, triangle, circle, giant cheese-it, you name it. Another thing I liked doing was more of a sinister and evil thing, but I found it to be a nice prank in my head anyways. What I used to do was take bits of snow and silently put them in people’s boots. Their reactions were outstandingly hilarious, not going to lie.

This was also the time where I actually came prepared this time around! Instead of standing up and having my hands frozen solid the entire time, I actually bothered to bring proper gloves and snow pants this time around, which was pretty much exactly what I was hoping to have. For the longest while, I’ve been dealing with these pretty ineffective touch-screen gloves which their only upside being that they work in somewhat cold temperatures and can, well, work with touchscreens. They can’t really handle snow all that well when holding it with all the cold water melting into your hand, leaving your hands to still be cold as hell all the time. Not very effective, now is it?

So yeah, was pretty much making snow sculptures and possibly ruining other people’s boots just to see their reactions. Not the best way to spend your time out on a hockey rink without skates, but least it was something. I spent a good few minutes in one corner high up in a snowbank, and I just fell asleep for a good 10 minutes before realizing that the younger grades were actually coming along too. I noticed and carefully walked across the rink and to the hill where everyone was heading to. After a good workout of climbing an overwhelmingly steep hill that’s about as tall as 3 or 4 times the tallness of our school, I then realized. I didn’t really have a way to sled down.

Not that I’ve never owned a sled, but I did use to own one. However, that was long gone by now, and I think it’s probably somewhere in a Chinese dumpsite covered in some more waste after thinking where in the world it’s been. It’s most likely shoved in the upstairs attic somewhere alongside all my old stuff and my Deal or No Deal electronic game, which I found at some sort of cheap store during my Halifax vacation. So yeah, no sled, no fun way to get back down. I tried asking someone if I could borrow their sled, but they either walked away from me or used a lame-ass excuse like “I want to use it” or “My friend asked first” when they’re clearly separated by well over 4 meters.

Now, the last person I would honestly go to in this case for anything in these regards when it comes to sledding down a hill has to be the kid from last time who called me a bully and does Fortnite dances in front of me. He still does that, by the way. So yeah, I take myself towards him and ask if I can use his sled. Like what you’d think would happen, he replied with no and walked away in hopes of me shutting up. Well, I did since I wouldn’t want to her his ramblings, so guess it’s an even playing field. One minute later though, there he is giving his sled to someone else and just riding their merry way down. The fuck makes them able to use it but not me? Something is definitely up with him, and I’m hoping to find out soon. Probably never, though.

After no hope of getting a sled, there was only one way for me to get down this overly steep… hill. I had to slide my way down without a sled and pray to god that I don’t lose balance and tumble all around the place and get hit by a rock in the head like I got hit in the head with a basketball several times. Thankfully, I didn’t slide all the way down, since I had to scoot to the bottom. Personally, it wasn’t even really death-defying or fast-paced, because all I did was just scoot down an entire hill thrice as tall as my school and arrive at the bottom without a worry in the world. I thought it would’ve been, well, something like an actual sled. I was more like an anchor if you ask me in these regards.

So yeah, uneventful and pretty insulting to mountains all around the world. We’ll be getting lawsuits from mountains for being classified as hills and sleds for being not shared with certain people for what literally seems like no reason at this rate. The rest of the time was me putting snow in people’s boots in hopes of them getting good reactions. Not much happened in general, really.

That’s all I really have for this part. It’s had an off development period due to me being more occupied with Klaust_, Survive The Disasters 2 Hardcore (which got released the other day by the time I’m typing this), and my new YTP, ITTYT4 (named ITTY4.veg in my VEGAS 16 program due to a typo). I’ll see you in part 3, maybe after some posts in between this and the next part. Maybe development updates and the such or a Ditto Highlights post. Who knows? I mean, it’s my blog after all.
