bowsur's inverted son

4:37 PM

Hi, i'm rust_, doing not much today besides eating a few days old toaster strudels. After all that crazy BIT.TRIP discussion, I believe it's time to take things down a notch and go back to some good ol' Objectbloxia discussion before I take the next day or so making the project pages that go into detail about each project I work on. Today's topic on Objectbloxia related matters is actually about a roleplay that I had mostly full control over. It's one of those ironic roleplays I like to do that delve into a bunch of memes while some random ass music plays in the distance.

6:30 PM

Now, let's start at the beginning. I recently just uploaded a new decal for my own character Rikotsura after a friend of mine named Pementa drew that character during a Discord voice chat. I later saw that the decal was approved much faster than I expected, but in the meantime, I decided to turn myself invisible with :invisible me which allowed me to sneak in while no one was looking around. If you don't know who Rikotsura is, she's my own character that I care about very much because she's literally the best fucking character oh my god (void), but enough of that, it's time for what was going on down over on the main lands of Objectbloxia!

Alright, so there's this one common thing that everyone does during when no staff members are around, and thing is doing what we nickname a "non-admin season". A NAS is usually very boring and always have the following challenges:

(not to mention these people barely cooperate due to censorship and also being like not the smartest people i've seen, more of the opposite)

There's a few more, but all of them are generally boring and are the ones that anyone can do, really. However, when staff members do join, the NASes are usually disbanded or they just ignore it completely. One person in particular, Bowtie (you know them, and you know them too well), really hates seasons, and does their best to try and make sure none are happening while he's roaming the place. Now, during this time, it was only me who appeared to be a moderator in the server at the time, so I decided to do an epic and give the server a good time first before just diving into the clusterfuck that we'll get into later.

I decided the thing that I would build would be a form of dance floor, and place some pretty good tunes! When I mean tunes, I mean the audio clips that only ROBLOX allows, as they have their own catalog of audio with mostly copyrighted music which lead to ROBLOX making a lot of their own compositions in place of all of that Marshmallow shit since that's what all the people with ii at the start of their usernames crave about. What're they, Apple? I thought not! Lawsuits for everyone!

Now, unlike last time, I actually took the time to create screenshots for this occasion, so now you can actually see the madness unfolding as I played some Sparta Remixes since people requested that looped horribly half of the time and were either low quality audio versions or they were taken down by ROBLOX because funny copyright. Man, I hate it when shit like that happens. I really do.

Here's how the dance party went. You can see that it's one of those grids with the different colors, but they all stayed the same, and there was no sort of DJ, unless if you counted me, as I was the one handling the music. I also made it disco for one song before realizing that wasn't a good idea. :disco does that, and :fix or :undisco fixes that.

This was when the sparta remix stuff kicked in. I feel that some people really went off the rails on this one. Hell, even someone kicked a guy. That's how you know this was more intense than even the French Revolution of whenever-the-fuck.

7:13 PM

During the dance party of a Patrick Sparta Remix, I actually noticed that the decal for Rikotsura was accepted! I got to work just messing around with it and some people really like the work! I wanna say thanks to Pementa for actually making the image in the first place and allowing me to use it. I even made it my profile picture of all things. What a way to be honored. Now, on to the roleplay, it was all done entirely by me, with some moderators (and a bit of the server) playing along. It begins with a picture of Bowser named Bowsur acting as the villain for the roleplay, but I always like adding a greater evil, which I'll mention later.

"Bowsur" in this case was looking for a glass of milk, as he was thirsty after travelling everywhere to Objectbloxia to relax on vacation. However, no one told Bowsur where the glass of milk was, which he thought was in the fridge. Due to this, Bowsur decided to be a jerk and ruin the balance beam by pushing everyone off of it. This lead to them fighting Bowsur, which was funny enough in it's own right, considering the fact that Bowsur is just a poorly made image of a clip art of Bowser.

Before the fight, though, some more characters were brought into the mix. Here's the jot-list of them to make things several times easier for myself.

The first boss fight was against Bowsur and Cirno, while AST acted as the health bar and EBJ was stuck under some ice from one of Cirno's attacks, rendering him useless for a good few minutes. Sadly, I don't have any existing imagery of the Cirno boss fight, but I can tell you that it was on the balance beam and the whole thing was glorious in it's own right for the roleplay which I never even named, actually.

After Bowsur was defeated, Cirno and AST joined the party and AST notice a shady figure at the ladders, so everyone heads on over there, and it just so happened to be Villager #14, one of the other characters that don't actually do anything until near the end. Now, this actually introduced an area called the Villager Arc, which was the next location for AST and Cirno.

8:00 PM

During this time, it appeared that one of the Objectbloxia moderators were actually making a spot for a Mario RPG area, aka the forest one that was in an animated Flash video that was recently thrown into a reanimated collab. I'll say this though, it's nice. To check it out, I had Cirno and AST move over there, and then get distracted on something else for a bit. Once I got back, it seemed that whoever was building the forest accidentally colored AST some colors of the tree, so I went and turned that into Tree AST, the next version of AST besides one that made him look like a health bar.

9:01 PM

After that nonsense, we finally get back to the Villager Arc, which had nothing past it since it was on the edge of the mainland. The only building at the arc that wasn't made out of villagers was a lemonade stand, but the stand keeper asked for AST and Cirno to go find some "shards" and bring it to him so that he could do whatever with it. However, the shards were "scattered" across Yoyle City, so only Cirno did the honors since she was the one who could actually bother to fly.

Once the shards were collected, EBJ woke up from being inactive for, like, a million years and decided to get stuck in one of the shards after being stabbed by an icicle and somehow still surviving. This has a more greater effect later on. Now, back at that Villager Arc, after the shards were collected and all (including EBJ), the Villager decided to use some mAgIc WoRdS in order to take advantage of the shards and do something with them.

It actually created SpongeBob on accident, but due to the magic words looping, that SpongeBob was discarded and none other than T-Pose SpongeBob was brought back to life. T-Pose SpongeBob (or TPS) is one of the reoccurring characters in my roleplays, especially due to the series Tower of Epic that actually lead to me slowly leading up the moderator hierarchy to become a moderator myself.

TPS was originally gray, because I never knew how to properly add in the mesh's texture, since I was doing it wrong. Turns out, it works perfectly fine with just adding in the link to the mesh itself. Either way, back onto the roleplay. EBJ's inclusion in one of the shards actually turned TPS into a more powerful version of himself. with a new black color and blue ice shards representing the shard from Cirno that EBJ was stabbed by.

Notice that some new characters are over on the left, too. Only the short one with the red hair actually does anything. Moving on.

TPS actually went and destroyed the Villager Arc and kidnapped EBJ by using drones from the glass of a Yoyle City building that he destroyed and used him for his big clusterfuck of the border of a health bar. AST was actually thrown in the health bar as well, forced to display the information instead of doing it himself. You know what that means, do you? Yep, it's boss fight time. Objectbloxia residents vs T-Pose SpongeBob. Who will win?

The fight was legendary. It obviously ended up with the players winning, and everything falling down. It was a victory, and a glorious one at that.

10:02 PM

After the roleplay was all settled and after I cleaned up the place, the game's creator, "However", went and started building a tiny little hospital roleplay. Rural also joined earlier and decided to become the character Neo from RWBY House for a morph, while I just literally went onto one of the hospital lounge chairs and just talked to the person next to me. They were reading the last ever produced issue of Nintendo Power, which if I'm correct, now currently exists as a podcast? Is that even still going?

Anyways, yeah. Not much happened with the hospital, besides that short guy appearing later (the one I mentioned earlier) and the two people who tried stepping on the same person several times while they were on a hospital bed. The hotel's "alarms" were rung twice. If I were to even try and have an appointment there, I would die to the hands of forced surgery.

Skaboof also had that forced surgery I was talking about, he's over in the distance with the small legs. You can also see some of the remains from the roleplay with TPS and the rest.

Then it just went into a clusterfuck and 4 people (including myself) became a mere train with rope attached to each one of us.

And... that's about all I have for the roleplay, really. In retrospect, it wasn't one of the biggest or prettiest looking things, but it was one of the more enjoyable ones, if I had to be honest. Hell, even Witch Doctor was playing earlier at one point. Who knew a dance party with sparta remixes could turn into a roleplay about defeating a giant T-Pose SpongeBob with the allies of a square styled Cirno and a character developed from the details of previous roleplays I took part in? I'm betting absolutely no one, no one at all. But hey, that's what makes it special. A great experience either way.

This was actually all I had planned for the blog post tonight, since I was going to go do other things and I had everything I wanted to talk about discussed... so... that means I don't have make a part two this time around! Yeah!!

That's all for this post. I'll be off doing some stuff in Sony VEGAS. Until then!