the object roleplay hierarchy part 2 - bonus history lesson dlc included (not the batteries though)

9:01 am

hi it's me rust and this is just tradition again isn't it? yeah i forgot to type about yesterday and now we have this 2 parter once again, probably longer. so today i'll continue off of where we left off. alright so yeah object whatever and the "super cool secret dev menu" thing. in this case, the dev menu is for morphs made by the developers that only they can use. no one else can use it due to how it's scripted into the game. if i were to get the developer role (in which that's what im hoping to get) this would allow me to use all the funny btools/F3X (the tools used to build on the servers) alongside being able to use developer morphs, such as the ones i was hoping to add in. downside here is that the creator, cherry, doesn't have the service that the rest of us use in order to communicate on something off of roblox's turf, that being discord. yep, the one that ALL the parents hate!!! like DUDE imagine if a discord user that was reported on the news for no reason said "trans rights", then parents all around the WORLD would start hating TRANS PEOPLE 'cause that ONE GUY said it

back on track yeah the point of this whole thing was to show cherry my worth so he could add me to the object whatever dev team so i could get away from objectbloxia for a bit. for the people who don't know, one guy keeps showing up on objectbloxia and has always been a pain in the ass ever since he first joined due to some of the worst behavior i've seen from a person with the worst arguments and sole purpose is to piss everyone off. surprisingly, it wasn't from 4chan, although i haven't checked up on tha. no it's just master. what, you think it'd be someone important? HAAAAAAAAAAAAH, you must be J O K I N G my dude! this dude's a wreck and i treat him like one too. lately i've come up with the most BRILLIANT idea to deal with these.......CLOWNS!!!!!!!!!! as of late. with the invention of admin scripts, we can do rAtHeR wAcKy ThInGs called jailing people. the command :jail (player), of course! this command allows me to trap people in a rectangular transparent box so that it looks like they're in a rather cool futuristic jail cell. the players in it won't be ale to get out of the jail, and if they try to reset they'll just be brought back into the jail,they're only way of getting out of it being to either rejoin the game or wait until someone used :unjail (player) to remove them from the jail.

so what does jailing people have to do with my idea? does it involve creating a communist environment? while we already have roblox china during an unfinished season, that is not the case my DUDE!!!!!! this is actually something ive been doing for a bit but haven't really done it in a better mood until of recently, introducing the not so brand new LAMP TECHNIQUE! the lamp technique is where you use :jail (player) and :light (player) ffffff to make them act like a lamp, stationary and emitting light. on occasions i also like to turn on :nograv (player) and :loopfling (player) so that they fling around like they're in space endlessly. the nograv command makes their gravity close to zero and loopfling is just fling but in an endless loop until using :unloopfling (player) to make them stop flopping like a fish all the time, although there's also the command :seizure (player) that literally does just THAT, make them flop like a fish like if they were listening to epic RAVE MUSIC. speaking of which, here's today's featured song that probably fits into this category. very good Tune's!!!

okay that's enough EPIC DANCING. BACK ON TRACK! this whole lamp technique was actually made for me to handle master in such a way that might actually benefit both sides of the argument. what the HELL do i mean by that? well the lamp thing allows master to still be part of the game (although i keep a close eye on him) but handicapped in a way that makes him less of a threat towards the rest of the community unless he starts spamming, then of which i just do the mute and/or kick, or ban if any admins are around. really, the whole thing is based on conditions and what to expect out of it.

9:45 am

oh golly, look at the time. it's time for me to go. well, i'll talk about more of the time when i use the lamp technique and even show off screenshots this time around when i get back! i have another cdli class after recess and at the last subject for the afternoon, so i have 3 sessions to go trough meaning i still have some time before im actually able to get the screenshots (the only way i can technically get them as soon as possible is that i would send the image on this website's discord server and copy/save the image from my current end). anyways, that's about all, see you in several hours! i might as well just not show up at all if that's what you're expecting! have a good one (for now)!

11:18 am

welcome back, it's now officially social studies time! do you know what that means?? no?? too bad!! it's time for the semi-daily...

lets all laugh at a church that never learns anything TEE HEE HEE.

we last left off with galileo, whose theories about specific information in regards to science was published in a book, leading the church to out galileo on trial before he was possibly tortured. the church, y'know, did the ol' "we're going to kill you to death if you don't stop saying this cringe that we don't believe in my amigo bro ham". galileo lied his way out of it so that he wouldn't be tortured. however, the church was still a jerk enough to the point where all they did was just. y'know. put him forever in house arrest. what's WORSE is that the church only thought "HMM THIS IS ACTUALLY A REALLY BAD SITUATION THAT WE FORGOT ABOUT" and realized that galileo was right OVER 200 YEARS LATER. 200 YEARS LATER LIKE HOLY CRAP does the church even know what COOL means????????? it's anything good but THIS. in this case, the church's fear was that if people were to believe that their astronomy teachings were wrong, the people may start thinking about other stuff as well.

footnote: this here was the quote from galileo during his trial so that he wouldn't get tortured by the church. i wonder if god had this in mind when he invented people

"With sincere heart and unpretended faith I abjure, curse, and detest the aforesaid errors and heresies [of Copernicus] and also every other error...contrary to the Holy Church, and I swear that in the future I will never say again or assert ... anything that might cause a similar suspicion towards me."
- Galileo, The Discoverers

enough of galileo, it's time for FRANCIS BACON!!!!

NO!!!!!! not THAT bacon!!!!!! this is a rather large BRUH MOMENT, my man. anyways, the actual bacon we're mentioning here is none other than Francis Bacon, the man who argued that lives could be improved by understanding the world better. this lead to him developing none other than the.... ScIeNtIfIc MeThOd!!! THAT'S RIGHT, that was HIS invention ! not YOURS..... neither was the LIGHTBULB that wasn't your invention either.

if you don't know, the scientific method is actually question > hypothesis > experimental procedure > observation > analysis. you might have seen these details in science projects before when you were told to fill out specific stuff such as "a prediction of what you think's gonna happen", also known as the HYPOTHESIS MY DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!

next person on our list of rather famous people is actually Rene Descartes ! he was a french philosopher and mathematician from 1596 to 1650. his very popular quote is "I think; therefore I am". the very classical quote. unlike our bacon friend, rene likes to use Logic and Reasoning. he used logic to the point where he could only believe originally that he existed. how could you PROVE that god exists in that case? what does he even DO? does he just play CHECKERS WITH THE CLOUDS.......... i would only assume so, just for the thought that maybe, just MAYBE that he owns a wii and that he actually plays Wii Bowling during thunderstorms... heh, mii jesus. hehe.

WHO'S THAT CHEMIST?????????????????? ROBERT BOYLE!!!!!!!! Robert Boyle was an english chemist that lived from 1627 to 1691. during the medieval times when cutting off heads was perfectly okay, some people in the world practiced a practice known as alchemy. some people believed that "any substance could become another". however, robert was officially having NONE of that. robert did the thing and performed experiments which eventually lead to him creating a law called Boyle's Law.

footnote: boyle's law states that if the volume of a gas is decreased, the pressure increases proportionally.

as part of the law, this introduced particles to the scientific mixture of information. robert used this RATHER COMEDIC INFORMATION to define the difference between elements and compounds, thus finally proving that alchemy was KINDA STUPID AND NOT REALLY A GOOD IDEA TO BEGIN WITH.

now i'm sure you've ALL known about the invention of the laws of gravity, right?? let me introduce you (or reintroduce you) to the man called isaac newton. the old saying goes, an apple fell on his head and later believed that motion could be explained with the rather comedic thing called MATHEMATICS, leading people to think that anything can be solved with math. the dude was so cool that he even gave us this RATHER INTERESTING (BUT NOT COMEDIC) quote that i actually do not have because when i was gonna type it down the slide changed. no more Newton for u sorry but that's just how mafia works.

*checks the list of people* ah YES... andreas vesalius, the belgian physician from 1514 to 1564. in the year 1543, vesalius published a book called on structure of the human body. in this case, andreas had to actually take a dead body and open it up when he still could so that he could observe how it looks. this was considered very controversial in the church due to being against their actions. prior to all of this RATHER COOL KNOWLEDGE was the ancient theory that the body wasn't made up of ANYTHING besides Four Humors. we got BLACK BILE, YELLOW BILE, blood, and... PHLEGM?? what the fuck is phlegm it sounds like someone just slammed their hands on the keyboard and phlegm was one of the things that came out of it. due to this, a common way to fix the fever was to cut someone so they lose enough blood so that they don't have "too much". shit's crazy mang o_O. thankfully, due to this disturbing stuff, we learnt that it was KINDA STUPID much like ALCHEMY, and that anatomy is a probably important thing. this lead to it being a legit field in medical stuff. props to HIM my FUNKY DUDE!

in conclusion, the 15th and 16th century scientists did cause a large impact on the world. without them, we wouldn't have rather interesting stuff like medicine and laws of gravity and gas! people were no longer the center of the universe. this slideshow also came with a cool comic that sorta explains it, but it seems more like a boomer comic, so please forgive me, but i didn't make the sideshow so there's that i Guess??????? o_O anyways eat this it's probably the flavour of olives.

11:59 am

the morning's almost over, wow! that's a lot of words. i guess that ends our "lets all laugh at a church that never learns anything TEE HEE HEE" session of the day. hmm, what was i talking about earlier this morning? O YEAH!!!!!!!! the ACTUAL POINT OF THIS BLOG POST. bro im sorry for being RATHER INCREDIBLY BORING but i assure you that i have better stuff planned for when i get back. it involves OBJECTBLOXIA like it's supposed to, and you get to see some TOUHOU too!!!!!!! i hope you like cucumbers since that's one of their traits. anyways yeah IM OFF AGAIN K BYE *explodes violently*

2:07 pm

and now we're back in the science class! i just got back from ENGLISH CLASS where we started to do the questions for one of the chapters, and man iif you didn't like quotes before you'll just HATE them now. the book is called "the lord of the flies" and is in no way related to the lord of the rings, so that's already one problem with it, a really bad misleading title. the book's actually about some kids who survive a not very good plane crash with the airport fucking EXPLODING over some sorta. ATOM BOMB because that's TOTALLY FINE, and now all the children of the island, as young as SIX YEARS OLD, now have to live their lives on a remote island until the main character's father come pick them up on a boat if he hasn't already exploded by the ATOM BOMB. like seriously why was there ven an atom bomb in the first place, what kind of airport has a fucking atom bomb in the middle of it, is it some sorta national monument tht someone accidentally blew up or something. i don't understand anything about it.

anyways, enough on the one book that i generally dislike, lets talk about what i was going to talk about, the whole roleplay that was going on over on objectbloxia! back in a day, or as in like a few weeks ago, i used to have this large collection of touhou decals with this weird square style that i thought was interesting. since i never made more proper touhou art to convert into decals (yet), i decided to use one of the square style images again. this time, i decided to be nitori. she gives me mio vibes for some reason.

footnote: this whole "mio vibes" thing is because of how they both have the similar hair style. that's about it.

nitori's the character with a green hat, and a large backpack. one of her fandom traits (or one of her actual traits im not sure) is that she likes cucumbers. i can't really relate to that considering i haven't actually tried one before, but hey it seems good enough so i might try it when i can. she is actually a pretty fun character to roleplay as! her nature of trying to build machines and interest in specific matters makes her a comedic character to play as too! i'd love to try and be more serious with the characters soon but once i have all the gtx decals for the ones im trying to use done, then i'll be good to go. now, obviously enough, master was there as usual, so when he wasn't busy being banned by the admins, i just turned him into a lamp and kept an eye on the shit that he was spewing out of his disgusting mouth. not going to lie, master works great as a lamp when he's actually fucking behaving like everyone else (arguably) is. i swear, sometimes i can't even deal with the guy so i get someone else to do it, then THEY give up. master's just too determined man, can't take it. we gotta do something about this someday.

2:57 pm

on with the roleplay! *checks the time* ...well, uh, in a bit! i have to go home now after a student council meeting and all that. i'll go off topic on that for another hour later.

part 3