a new roaring twenties is born

11:23 am

hey hey hey, it's none other than the roaring twenties! god, i haven't updated this site in a fair bit. i was working on a bunch of other stuff as of late (and plain messing around) but i also wanted to introduce a few new games to the steam library of mine. there's a lot i want to go over that's mostly about the new steam games i got alongside just other stories i wanted to go ahead and talk about. honestly, i think that was the entire point of these blog posts anyways. originally, they were small posts on r/nichijou in which i would just talk about what happened that day. they suggested that i take it somewhere else that isn't #general because it was acting like a diary, but that's what caused the idea for the website to begin with. man, i remember when it was still all in markdown for the easier formatting. guess who was bloody wrong on that lol. now we got all this cool fancy stuff and i would say it was by ALL MEANS well worth that time trying to make the site the way it is. i also like how some people consider the site some sort of old 2000's styled site. i mean, i ain't complaining! that's a nice site graphic design sort of thing. maybe i should get a windows media player theme to go along with that. like, foobar2000 is nice and all for music (and is lightweight) but BRO. windows media player can play MIDIs. that's something the regular foobar2000 can't do unless you attach a 3rd party plugin to that. even then it would be inferior because the midi instruments used aren't the classical instruments we all know and love because they were originally heard mostly from vinesauce. felix have u been fucking with the piano. FELIX

anyways i'm at school as you might expect. however, a stroke of luck has hit my hometown today! a snow storm is brewing around the place due to wind warnings and such, but do you know what that means? yeah, no school during the afternoon! additionally, this also means the weekend is only some margins longer. but hey, i still ain't complaining about it! it's more time off. better than no time off, i'll be honest. anyways, i don't really have much to go off of here considering my school ditto clipboard is currently filled to the brim with useless information on a slew of CDLI projects.

besides that though, i guess i could talk about one recent-ish thing that happened during the start of the year on... twitter. oh fuck oh god, not the merciless twitter dot com! twitter flipped over my game of ms. monopoly (which sucks btw) and ate all my soda. i can't believe twitter would do this to me-ok nevermind. right, so, if you're BLOODY BLIND and you haven't checked the news recently, i'm about to get all political up in heres you better get your ol' "damn this guy's about get all political up in heres" safety hats and radiation costumes because i'm going to talk about WORLD WAR FUCKING THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! donald duck accidentally (maybe) killed an important leader in iran and now everyone's hating monald dick for killed some guy in I'm Going to Iran! so yeah basically the united states yet again fucking SLIPPED A FRICK and made someone kick the bucket. WHEN WILL YOU LEARN THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. anyways as the time grows closer to 12:05 PM i'll go and play some tetris and pause on this post for now. as of late, i actually improved my 40L sprint score to a mere 55 seconds! that's the best i've done. speaking of which, the platform that i used for that, jstris, allows me to export the file as a .gif (or webm) which allows me to show it anywhere easier! i present to you that exact gif of my 55s 40L sprint that i did earlier this week, a stunning 14 MB too.

it's amazing. beautiful, and glorious all at the same time! anyways, the time's 11:56 AM (i usually change the header before i say shit like this but i'm gonna keep it by the hour for now.) so i better get prepared to go for the rest of the day and enjoy my weekend. the snow really wants to get in through this window that i have, but i won't let it, ahahahahaha.


9:57 am

oops. alright anyways i guess today i'll talk about something... hm... what could i discuss? i don't exactly have anything on me as of right now. you know, the clipboard. i would talk about the new games i got into earlier a month ago due to that steam cash which i'll also go over in more detail, but i already did that last big post! another thing i could talk about includes something along the lines of how ive been feeling as of late, objectbloxia possibly, and then a slew of additional thingy reviewys. there was also the christmas special i essentially forgot to include on christmas day, im still considering the portfolio page. ok but either way i think i do have one thing i could talk about. right so if you know how the schedule works, i'm in school. there's no afternoon off this time around so i'm instantly disappointed. however, something generally worse is afoot. right, so we're in career which normally just means i have mostly free time to work on my blog, but fucking no, the assignment is to email literally ANYONE a bunch of RANDOM INTERVIEW QUESTIONS which IS NOT FOR AN ACTUAL INTERVIEW because for some reason YOU CAN'T FUCKING INTERVIEW YOURSELF. let me rephrase that. you have to conduct a fake information interview of anyone from a field that interests you, which means you have to go out of your way to email some random student from a college campus and hope that they answer you back so they can help you with an assignment that they're leagues ahead of. the flaws in this are so horrendously awful, oh my god. they might not even answer back at all. imagine getting a 0 because you never got a fucking response. this could go so wrong to the point where you might even get banned or blocked from emailing anyone in the college campus because they think you're spam email. literal utter trash assignment. the idea's fine but we could've just interviewed ourselves man, this is just bothering other people to do the work for us.

that's my least favorite part about assignments sometimes, to be honest. the ones where you have to go bother other people to answer your questions for something that would normally get their hopes up if it wasn't fake for some assignment from something they haven't dealt with since GRADE BLOODY TEN. that's the worst case scenario in my opinion, where no one decides to actually answer your questions since it's not for anything that'll be revealed publicly. not that it hasn't already been leaked yet if it's coming form fucking facebook. but hey, if the school board thinks it's totally acceptable, then we might as well roll with it for now. since i would assume it's not overly revealing, here's the base questions i have to use. the next five have to be my own questions.

  1. What happens during a typical work day?
  2. What do you like most about your work?
  3. Are there things you don't like about your work?
  4. What skills would I need to work in your field?
  5. What education would I need? What specific training would I need? Where would I get it?

the teacher told me that she would take the time to get me a contact for the questions, but she hasn't answered back on that yet. since these classes are online, im waiting for her to send a private message with at least one email for me to answer. "I will look up some contacts" she said, still hasn't answered back on those since 10:18 am. it's 10:39 am. i find that to be concerning. exactly the issue here. i still don't have one of the more crucial pieces of information in order for me to actually get my information. additionally, some people just aren't doing jack shit. here, take this very informational quote from one of my friends.

"there once was a crazy man cat who swam to south dakota in an attempt to steal back the northern lights spinach salad. thats around the same time that the yorkshire army turned into 45 rubber ducks and swam down the L.A river. then the west edmonton mall flew down the hill into my grandma's shed when she fell into the pond. thats why chips are best when they are aired out."
- name withheld for obvious reasons

10:46 am

i'd love to ramble more on how absolutely no one is doing their work before i move on with objectbloxia and then rambling about bloons tower defense and mindustry ((MORE ON THAT LATER)) but it's almost time for eat food time (recess) followed by french, oh lord why french. god fuck no. anyways yeah bye see you during social studies MAYBE (1 PM)!!!!!

1:00 pm

hi i'm back! right so as i said i was gonna go on about objectbloxia. the reason why im bringing that up today is actually because i've been working on a larger scale project for the game as of late. note that i'm not sure how starting off with making tower of epic lead to me remaking the entire map on a battle for dream island roleplay place (which is odd enough in it's own right). oh, yeah! that's the new project. the new project for objectbloxia was me remaking the entire map due to it's... limited build quality. personally, i think the worst aspect of objectbloxia besides it's community (which can be a bit of a pain sometimes) and master (who recently learnt how to shutdown servers with exploits) is the build quality, which i would assume would be important for the roleplaying experience. tom, the owner of the game, also hasn't updated the game at all and we had to resort to our moderation powers to keep the game relevant by joining and doing constant roleplays. i decided that i've had enough of that once we literally skipped the christmas special. after a few failed attempts, i thought that now was a good time to take all of my f3x experience to the test. after a bit of cracking down bugs and lag while trying to generally improve the build quality (especially yoyle city), i thought i had a generally better map.

the first new major change in objectbloxia was most especially how you get from one place to another. due to not having images, i'll use my amazing drawing powers to explain it to you.

as you can see, teleporters are actually somewhat flawed for the usage of morphs! there's a chance it could unlink the morph with your base character (which is turned invisible for the morph to actually work so it's not like some picture got slapped on your robloxian avatar) causing the morph to fall down to the death plane while you remain totally invisible. after some previous testing on the old roleplay game, i believed that ziplines were the best method for transport that doesn't remove the morph. not to mention, i think it's also the most graphically pleasing when done correctly.

the ziplines on the other hand does not tamper with the morph part! instead, it only moves the robloxian which then lets the morph part move alongside it! the zipline then drags you across with no consequence whatsoever. additionally for the detail, this adds in a tad bit of immersion and wonder, "i wonder what's down there? maybe i should check that out." some feedback i got on the first few beta releases praised it for the quality in most of the builds (especially yoyle city), while also mentioned the inclusion of a lot of lag. now, at first i was pretty much utterly confused on how the game was laggier. nothing was really "resource demanding", the trees for sure weren't the problem! this lead me to believe that the issue was none other than the lighting system. yeah, wasn't the trees. that damn LIGHTING ENGINE BE TAKIN ALL ME RAM!!!! it's roblox's new lighting system they're rolling out which appears to be much more resource demanding. it's called "shadowmap" lighting and takes advantage of new brand spank fuckin' new lighting technology made by google mathematic gods who don't know what graphic design is. i changed the beta's lighting back to the much less demanding "voxel" lighting during roblox's experimental phase with dynamic lighting (a long awaited feature, i remember when that was the shit to talk about) alongside new terrain. everyone was worried about the new R15 models (we still hate it) and now we all hate anthro and just shrug at R15. imagine what the new one's gonna look like after that... god, that's scary to think about. maybe those twitter r-thots may finally have their weird and totally unacceptable tastes QUENCHED.

1:55 pm

oh wow time flies when you complain about roblox's new features while talking about the old ones while you were supposed to talk about that time where i remade the entire objectbloxia map and then proceed to review the new games i got on steam. i have a presentation with our local nurse up next in place of english (thank god. i hate english rn) so i'll see you at 3 PM, because then i'll dive in into all those sorts of things. until then!!!


8:56 am

well, that was a fine enough presentation! it was boring and about vaping (which we already know about) and how it does it's best to affect teens specifically. anyways, time for more details on the objectbloxia remade map. it took a few updates to get all of the buildings in place, and some of them did eventually cause problems. one removed building (and area) for instance was the "tower zone", which was where we were going to put those towers, much like tower of epic.

tower means a (much) harder roblox obby, which are obstacle courses where you jump over things. towers utilize more features and are generally better than regular obbies, hence their more superior status.

it was a fine addition at first, but this was when the ziplines could get you in infinite loops at the time, not to mention the lag and popups for a t-shirt. the backstory of that was that a jump pad model that someone imported had some malicious code in it that kept begging everyone to purchase their t-shirt. there was also a tardis (from doctor who) model that actually sends you to a different game, which also wasn't something that we wanted. obviously, both models were taken out before they did any further damage. the other problem was the lag. obviously, that was cracked down to the lighting engine, so i added an anti-lag script and changed the lighting system to voxel, now it works fine as is. the ziplines were fixed to where there's two for each one, the difference being one brings you down, one brings you back. that way, no one gets in an endless loop.

9:47 am

science punched me in the throat and the next cdli class isn't until 1:00 fucking pm in the afternoon. ok bye i probably won't reply back until the 24th

1:04 pm

good afternoon! i got career (normally a loose class, good time for blog writing) and french (group project in the works) and i have battle for dream island running in the background for some good background music while i take this hour to work and relax, somehow in a comfortable environment, which... is usually a rare moment. normally it's more enforced but thanks to the increased privacy of being in my own little space, everything's fine as is!

bfdi next to da command prompt, what will it do

anyways yeah if you remember previously, i'm working on a career project where i have to email a random student from a college campus several interview questions in hope that they'll answer back and provide the information that i need in order to complete the assignment. you can scroll up a fair bit to see the questions, i'm not gonna paste them here again. however, i'll take this time to provide you the five extra questions that i'll add, while giving an update on my bfdi bingewatch that's only going to last for an hour, which means i won't probably get halfway through season 1. if you're a REAL fan then you would know on a much older post during the markdown days that i did the same thing before!

bfdi 1hr bingewatch progress: 1b, half way mark where golf ball gets slapped off a cliff and fucking dies official

lets now get to the new five questions we'll be adding on to our original five, for a total of a whopping ten! very good number.

  1. What holidays do you have work off, and what holidays still get you to go to work?
  2. As part of your job, what do you do with your skills?
  3. What specific tools do you use to do your job? Have they been supplied to you or are they your own purchases?
  4. On a scale of one to ten, how personalized is your work environment? How so?
  5. In conclusion, do you enjoy your current job? What would you want changed to make it better?

bfdi 1hr bingewatch progress: 2, flower gets exploded into the tlc due to the announcer crusher failing to work because golf ball did the thing

not so good formatting glitch (im surprised it transferred that easily as well, including the theme). either way, now i just need to pass these questions in to see if they're any good, or need changes (such as changing the words). in the meantime, time for a small topic shift on objectbloxia until i get the results back. right from where we left off, the beta map at it's current state has all the buildings, all the morphs (including additional ones so it's also a content update), all the buildings (ALSO including additional ones!), a brand new day/night cycle, and ease of life changes! for example, changing your team to something else would originally have you go back to the lobby after teleporting to the mainland and change your team there, and then you teleport back to get your new team. the downside of this method, besides the time, is that there's still an increased chance for you to lose your morph during the process. the new process involves just simply going to the team pads in the mainland and going on the team pad! your team changes, but not your spawn location! this is done via scripting and not a spawn location part. not only does this save a margin of time, it's also a generally better process.

1:32 pm

bfdi 1hr bingewatch progress: 3, the cake is key lime pie!

good news on the questions, they got the A-OK to go and i can now go and get me a contact. the contacts are both a local district (as in the same province) and a more international one. i'll go for international first and then attempt the local one if things don't work out well. fun fact, this installation of google chrome has it so the mail links refer straight to gmail! oh, by the way, have you considered emailing me a question? just thought that'd be interesting.

1:46 pm

bfdi 1hr bingewatch progress: 4, bubble died to a strawberry while trying to count to three. fucking rip,, i can't believe bubble from bfdi official just DIEDD.......... v_v this is really sad

update, i prepared a draft email for the college campus and it's currently being revised before it's sent over. what im hoping is that the person i'm emailing will redirect the questions to a student of the work area, have them answer the questions to the person that i emailed, and then have them answer back to me with their answers to the ten questions. this however is the best case scenario. chances are this may not be the case! it's best to prepare in case this happens. that's why there's the local college campus located in my province.

the email has been sent! now we wait...

1:52 pm

okay, i guess we can't wait for long. it's almost time for the french group project thing and whatever else! this also means i won't be able to see all of season 1 of bfdi. after all, the season does last longer than an hour.

bfdi 1hr bingewatch progress: 5, the one where needle's cake becomes a star (very big compared to earth) and then they cross bridges and amazingly fail at doing that

thus ends the blog post until i get back from french class, then i'll continue with watching bfdi while i continue with my objectbloxia beta discussion (as in finishing that up) and then proceed to review my new steam games i bought when i got a bunch of steam cash money for christmas (70 dollars worth!) anyways byeeee


8:36 pm (inserted 12:12 pm)

pardon for taking so long, had to update visual studio and got bored for a good amount of time. i'll be honest, i don't think i do anything productive with my time at home. well, besides for some artwork here and there. back to bloxia! now that i'm home i can finally provide some screenshots of how the game actually looks, instead of me giving random doodles that look nothing like the game. during this time, i should get back to my bfdi bingewatch. alongside this, i really need to add in that portfolio page in the future.


8:12 am

oops. anyways here's the images (for REAL THIS TIME!!!)

right now that i sent the images i have to go for the morning. i'm actually at my nan's right now since my parents are off somewhere else purely for vacation, so today's gonna be the same, yet i'm just somewhere else for the day. hey, lease it's friday! once i have time, i'll review the new games i got.

author's note: the following paragraphs was when i realized i forgot to publish the changes with the images originally, whoops!

ok... so i actually did add some images for the beta when i was back at my nan's (more on that shortly), but i forgot to publish the bloody changes before i had to go for the morning. thankfully, i can add that in when i get back for the afternoon. anyways, why did i mention being at my nan's? well, while the old information hasn't arrived yet, i'll say that my parents are off for vacation and i'll be staying at my nan's for the day, nothing else to say, really!

bfdi bingewatch progress, episode 6, teams are temporarily split for the challenge temporarily, in which they will have to temporarily work together temporarily in groups of three temporarily. also snowball does his signature NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. a true classic

so while that information is stuck in the tides of time while i listen to social studies (one of the two cdli courses, the other being science so i probably won't update the blog during that unless i'm somehow lucky enough). i'll take this time to start the reviews on my new games! then i'll end the post. i swear, this'll be shorter than the last batch from december 2019... anyways, lets get into it. let me just update visual studio first, i'm currently moving some files.

bfdi bingewatch progress, the temporary teams are going through three mini challenges as part of the challenge, match accidentally put pencil in a safe. you know, the ones where they spin around and such. time to update visual studio

9:22 am

thingy review-y
[007] - [mindustry]

mindustry is the child of both factorio (despite also acting like a tower defense) and bloons tower defense 5/6 (more on that later). you're a ship, and you have to fly around, gather minerals, and set up both a defense and a material collection facility until the enemies arrive. you then upgrade defenses, get more materials, upgrade your collection methods, and that's what creates the cycle of upgrading and defending in order to gather enough materials. the challenge is to last as long as possible until your core gets destroyed (which is where you put your minerals once they've been collected). in the campaign mode, the core has the ability to be launched and kept for the tech tree, allowing you to collect more parts and further expand your industry. there's also a multiplayer mode that allows you to work with other people, whether local (ip) or online (ip with hamachi or steam lobbies). the tech tree sometime carries over there for some reason, but this is because some lobbies are actually made with the campaign maps, allowing the campaign rules to occur. in the end, mindustry is a great game that may be hard to get to initially, but with that comes practice and experimentation, collect builds for future usage (schematics), and expand your mindustry, i mean industry. just be sure to check the time every now and again, it may swallow up your entire day! the current gripes i have with the game is how unpopular it is, a small soundtrack, and not many enemy variations, which is an arguably important part. either way, game's fun! it also gets updates, and just went under a large art style change not too long ago. i'd say give it some time to update itself!


9:43 am

alright, time's cutting close to english class (which means i'll be coloring and stuff), and after that is the only other cdli class for friday. i don't have much else to say, but have a good one for now!

bfdi bingewatch progress, episode 10, just finished watching episode 9 where the teams get split into 3 and a new elimination method occurs.

11:17 am

by sheer coincidental chance, science doesn't have our teacher, so it's actually a work class. i was able to get my portfolio done in time by absolute miracle. it's not even christmas! maybe i'm just really lucky. i don't wanna jinx it, though. i also finally properly figured out how to use our school's scanner. we use controlcenter3 in order to manage our only printer. here's how it works. i have to go to the other cdli class where the rest of my friends do their work, slide in the papers, then go all the way back to my own room. then i can freely export my inputted papers into a pdf file, or a collection of png files! this is what i like about scanners, it preserves your manual work of having to digitally recreate it. the scanner does it almost perfectly! alright, enough dillydally, time for the next review!

bfdi bingewatch progress: episode 12, the teams are still in three and the challenge is that very epic balloon fight batch, and this is also the episode where the intro part of the episode is for some reason brighter than every other episode. not sure how that happened during editing production but a lot of things are better left as a mystery!

thingy review-y
[008] - [bloons tower defense (5/6)]

bloons tower defense (otherwise known as btd) is a game series developed by ninja kiwi and became a small part of our little list of internet culture that left a big impact on specific franchises. for example, bloons tower defense arguably set a new ground for tower defense games! bloons tower defense 6 continues on that tradition after the 5th installment. to support ninja kiwi's efforts, i bought (a few variations (they were console adaptations) of) btd5 and btd6 on steam! i haven't installed btd5 on my computer yet, but i can say that i've had plenty of experience with the game on older laptops on the web version!

the quick rundown of the game is that you have an army of monkeys and other related towers, and you need to attack the oncoming balloons (misspelled as 'bloons' for whatever reason) and blimps and protect monkey city from the bloons! my favorite version of the game would be either 5 or 6. my favorite tower used to be the bloonchipper (because it's oddly entertaining) but it got cut from the new installment. however, they thankfully kept the engineer... i missed that tower! the drones were very useful, and the new drone upgrades in btd6 make me enjoy the tower more.

to conclude, bloons tower defense is a fantastic series that showed the true extent of flash games, and now continues it's legacy with new installments and on a wider variety of platforms. while it's no longer part of adobe flash (rest in peace old friend), it's still with us after all these years. is it worth your time? for sure! however, the art style may drag some people off, and the music is very barebones. however, you can always mute the in-game music and play your own! my song collection is massive, and is probably because of all the homestuck songs i downloaded. i should remove those songs, i barely listen to them.


12:00 am

bfdi bingewatch progress: episode 13, the teams are disbanded, there's points, and i'm actually halfway through season one! i'm getting confident that i'll be able to finish this bingewatch eventually... i got good feelings!

anyways, now that the reviews are done, i'll get the other information put in for objectbloxia and then end the post. next time i'll probably discuss.. um, not sure. maybe i'll just work on my portfolio page. i won't reveal anything additional though, because chances are i'll forget to add it anyways! anyways bye for this post, see you in the next one!