internet's gone fishing and finobe's in a crisis

9:55 am

yep, it's that time of blog post again. my internet's down all morning and we have a CDLI class. im currently just going over some notes as of right now due to a test crawling up behind my back. i don't really have anything with images i can post as of right now because i actually have to go through a somewhat convoluted process in order to get images from my home computer to my work computer that for some reason doesn't involve google drive. you know that discord server embed over on the home page right? that's where the cool, super totally interesting magic stuff happens. im not sure how people were even able to get that sort of thing working, but i guess html can do stuff like that sometimes when you have some knowledge of discord.js, which is basically javascript made intentionally for stuff related to discord itself. let's be honest, people are both great and horrible. some people like to be the nicest person alive and plant 20 million trees while the others are the ones who want to cause several forest fires and see the world burn, not knowing they might as well kill themselves in the process as the air quality lowers and it generally gets hotter around the globe. some people say that those weird arctic ice caps (where happy feet took place) would like, fall down, making the sea levels rise. here, i even made this neat little diagram to get what i mean.

see what i mean, the ice caps are gonna like break off and go into the ocean, melt, and the sea levels rise. then we can call earth just the ocean and we'll all commit metamorphosis into some cool mermaids and shit. some people might as well not be lucky and just be some, blobfish thing or whatever. you know, the fish that looks like a human with a squidward-shaped noise? yeah those guys. like i literally want to BET that no one would want to be a blobfish at all unless they either really hate themselves or just wanna see the... E X P E R I E N C E of being one of those useless poops. alright im not sure how we were able to discuss stuff to the point where i'm talking about how the world might change itself if global warming were to flood the entire world including land, but while i wait starving for recess which happens in around 40 minutes from now, i'll go ahead and talk about the sorta big thing that's been going around with one of the communities that i'm in. have you ever (read my old blog posts that make you be) heard about finobe? it's that roblox clone that uses the actual old roblox engines in order to "bring back the old" with a sprinkle of irony and new content using shit like old studio and the old look of everything. i don't really have one of those "screenshots" right now that's NEW or anything but one thing that i CAN show you besides explaining the stuff that's been happening this week are some dated screenshots from earlier blog posts.

(from this post)

it was a great experience overall despite the downsides the whole thing may have. however, for a day or so, that used to not be the case (for some short period of time). enter back to REGULAR ROBLOX, where objectbloxia resides. if you're up to date on all the rust_ knowledge that i've been giving you all this time, it's that objectbloxia is a BFDI roleplay game that i moderate and do some roleplays in, some of which involved footballs causing nukes and not enough touhou to go alongside it, with some geibuchan references up in the house because well i don't see wHy NoT!!! alright alright enough of that more on finobe. so on monday, raymonf, the creator/host of the game and/or site finobe itself, got one of those not so good DMCA/lawsuit emails that appeared to be from ROBLOX demanding that the site will be shut down or else. not sure what the "else" was but i'm just gonna presume they would've bombed ray's house with several ice cream trucks till all of his bones are broken. normally, finobe is under the light with these sorts of things but even if the site got locked into an invite-only state (except for the people who had already made accounts (including myself because i'm really good at video games)), it appears that the overpopulated side of the roblox community caught onto raymonf's work with the help of the guy who screams ONLY AND I MEAN ONLY to get those sweet AD REVENUE CLICKS in desperation that he can continue renting the house that he lives in before the IRS does what ROBLOX might've done to raymonf.

that guy? his name's albert on the channel flamingo. he used to make more ironic roblox videos, even to the point where the guy actually swears on his old channel... but he's put his differences aside and became one of those weird full-time roblox youtubers with the weird thumbnails (also that includes like most famous current roblox youtubers that still make videos and weren't "cancelled" online for more UNRELATED REASONS *cough* starman3 *cough* *hack* *wheeze*). whatever, so he recorded some footage of finobe. the expected outcome that raymonf believed was that once albert recorded and uploaded some footage of him playing that one skate park game, ROBLOX took notice and punched raymonf where the sun don't shine. these series of events was what lead to finobe pretty much closing it's doors and shutting down servers. people actually thought it was over, believing that the staff were gonna remove all traces of it before telamon sliced off all their heads and gave the blood to their gods, erik cassel, the guy who still lives on to our hearts to this day. wait.. uh.. that actually sounds a bit too disrespectful. yeah, my apologies. but moving on! everyone thought it was over, they tried making bunker servers to get the fuck outta there before they lose contact with all their finobe related friends and added each other like crazy!! not to mention when everyone from flamingo heard about finobe and that it was invite only, the staff were getting twice as many invites to the game as they normally would, which already would cause some low morale and other related bad moods to come from it.

just when i thought it was all over, some people actually read over the dmca/lawsuit document again, but paid closer attention. it turns out it was a HOAX! fake as a faker, i say! however, the chance of the game actually being shut down by the big boys did increase, so the staff are still pretty worried about it. i hope it goes fine.

10:42 am

oh boy! recess is almost here! been dying to get my hands on some wet cheese and salty crackers. god i fucking hate how ritz watered the cheese. why did they do such a thing. the internet will be back this afternoon too, thankfully. so i'll have the post shoved out by 3 pm for public viewing. bye now!

2:03 pm

we're back with the internet! see, the issue was that a town that the school gets internet from had it's power shut off from the morning to roughly 1:30 pm, half an hour before basically. now i'm able to post the post by 3 pm and all that! now we can continue with the story of the whole finobe fiasco, i'm sure none of you are dying to know what happened to those DMCA papers from supposedly roblox. the problem with the paper was that one of the header's letter spacing appeared to be too close to one another. this one small, tiny, and even MICROSCOPIC error in the formatting of the pdf showing the accused DMCA paper was the reason everyone deemed the paper to be fake. another clone, graphictoria, did not meet the same fate. while both did get some sort of DMCA claim, it was graphictoria's that proved to be real. that's why they're never coming back pretty much. f in the comment thread on the bottom of the page guys, this is officially a V E R Y S A D moment, i can't bear to re-witness the horrors such as this. as of right now, that's all the details on how finobe's currently dealing with the supposed fake DMCA claim from these so called "roblox" poop heads. QUICK RUNDOWN: they got fake claimed because they thought flamingo attracted roblox to them, which then they thought the claim was real because of this information. however, incorrect formatting of one heading revealed that the paper is (supposedly as of right now) fake and that the site isn't actually being taken down by roblox. we live for another day!

and that ends the whole finobe shtick of things. if the site were to be confirmed dead, i'd miss it a lot. i remember back when i made a short little video back when one of the early 2000s clients were still downloadable. it was removed for security reasons that allowed specific sensitive information to be instantly leaked. the video im talking about was me and some other people going down one of the classic roblox slides that involved ice. there's loop-de-loops and a giant jump to your DEATH, it's the BEST THING since SLICED BREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have no idea why we like riding off of sleds and dying while doing so, but i suppose that's just because robloxians are actually made out of plastic..which is a real fact. i think. i might have read it somewhere before, yet i'm not sure if the information is true or not. man, we're talking about a load of possibly false information today. what's even true information at this point? blah, here's the video.

oh, fun fact, if you try to play the video on an account that isn't like verified or a school account, it'll be marked as restricted. don't worry, you get to see that dumbass fgeetv channel and something that i already watched instead (then again that video has infinite times more quality than my video which was just gameplay footage with music over it and like, explosions n' stuff.)

...real nice recommendations guys. you're really making me interested in watching someone screaming constantly for 10 minutes while he trys to get his youngest fans alive to even SMIRK at the jokes the guy's trying to pull off here.

2:55 pm

O H G O L L Y, look at the time for the 40th time! it's time for me to go again and then forget to even update this post until tomorrow with information on more roblox related shenanigans, including a roleplay about a bank heist that has plot from that series of that geibuchan's youtube poops that. i guess i'll have to see you guys later for a few minutes until i get back from the ride home and then several hours for me to even bother to continue from where i left off. we'll find out eventually!


1:04 pm

see what i told you? this sort of thing always happens and it doesn't affect the fact that i'm gonna lay some facts on the whole roleplay thing. anyways yeah, objectbloxia roleplay. let's get some quick stuff straightened out! over the last few months i've assembled a cast that represents a bunch of characters, whether that be from 3rd party of my own characters caused by some of the roleplays from objectbloxia itself. due to my lack of images on hand right now, please enjoy my rather lacking images drawn in snip & sketch with a mouse. im also working on science questions so... yeah. ionic compounds and shit. did you know Ag2S stands for Silver Sulfide?

th worldd

first introduced: fuck i don't know

type: ironic

description: supposedly the world, but likes to go by their misspelled name "th worldd" for some reason. has a giant laser, technically includes the objectbloxia mainland as part of himself. was originally one of the recommended character decals!

ast (ahoxide sword thing)

first introduced: cloud city

type: ironic

description: a television screen formed by ahoxide, an element discovered as of cloud city from unknown origins. more on ahoxide in a later footnote! somehow despite being a robot, he does have a personality. arguably the same as th worldd. the "inventor" of ast is unknown but it circles between th worldd and a 3rd party character, yume nikki perhaps

(ooooh look a border!!! ! very nice) (OH AND SMALL TEXT TOO! VERY smol)

these two are the mains of the ironic ones, and also one of the first. there are other side characters such as luigi, good ol tv, and remote with hatsune miku hair, but those were all made during the tower of epic days, which were basically just tower of hell but on a lower budget

1:52 pm

someone fucking help me im dealing with so many god damn ionic compounds


9:50 am

thanks a lot science, now i had to delay the post by another day because i totally forgot about the post last night. on the bright side, we got 2 hours, we can do stuff! yesterday i was around doing some character descriptions of the characters i use in my objectbloxia roleplays, we were only just getting to the good stuff!! like C'MON SCIENCE i don't want your weird chemical combinations that might blow my face off. during this time since i got the hour free anyways, i've been playing TRIPLE SOLITAIRE!!! tired of your klondike not being BIG enough?? add in an extra 2 full decks of cards i'm sure it'll work JUST FINE! i use this site here to play the game. as you can see i think i'm actually pretty swell at the thing if you ask me.

the goal of klondike is just the same as every other windows solitaire that came before it, put all the cards into that top pile. now, enough of that, more on my characters! im not sure if there were any other ironic characters that i made from the roleplay alone that aren't just the square touhou decals or all the "gtx" 3rd party stuff BUT i guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

THE br I dge :::; (also BIG TEXT)

maybe we'll NOT cross that bridge for now! um. yeah, next one. the following are images that i have never drawn before because i have never properly drawn bowser and bowser jr. due to FUNNY ROBLOX CENSORSHIP CODE, i had to replace "bowser" with "bowsur and "mario" with "maro" in order to cheat the system and have the words be said in a (very (very (very slightly))) less readable format. back with the character descriptions!

one more thing by the way. i finally fixed a thing with the footer's comment section for the blog posts. they ALL now have their own unique comment section!! that's always nice. now you can comment about posts individually! isn't that GREAT??! right whatever moving on.


first introduced: bowsur goes to get a glass of milk

type: ironic

description: a bad bad guy who always has some sort of weird quench for a glass of milk, a rare substance in objectbloxia that isn't already a person. can shoot fireballs from his mouth and all that cool stuff

evil bowsur jr

first introduced: bowsur goes to get a glass of milk

type: ironic

description: bowsur's inverted son! GET IT?? GET IT?!!?!?!????! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH-

t-pose spongebob

first introduced: tps vs yoyle city and that cool stuff

type: ironic

description: an unknown force of evil forged from a tower of hell-like roleplay. tried destroying yoyle city twice with no success. if only he was like that football...

10:45 am

oh dear, almost time for me to go eat food and then do some french profile fun times. au revoir! that's bye in french if you didn't know.

1:16 pm

hi hi! me again. report cards came in earlier this morning, got a 76%, my mother said the r word (indirectly, not towards me, but sure as hell it sounds like it was towards me) in response and had a breakdown just because my average isn't anything in the 80s or higher. look that in of itself is a good average so why do people freak out about it if they already haven't been featured on r/insaneparents, a subreddit known for talking about some of the worst parents alive. by the way, update on the whole solitaire thing. page refreshed and i lost progress on my run of triple klondike (single). rest in peace, my triple decked friend. currently in career talking about different forms of government, i was the one that suggested communism. that doesn't mean i support communism im more of a democracy guy or a guy that likes sleeping guy.

(is this a h o m e s t u c k reference???????)

1:52 pm

sorry, got carried away with the whole thing. it's 1:52 pm now, we're about to go to english and read the final pages of lord of the flies. this is VERY suspenseful! i won't spoil a thing but i probably will! THEN we'll start discussing more objectbloxia and that'll end the post. i promise. maybe. probably not. k bye